[, OU] ‘Map Network Drive’ Button greyed out for all non-admins.Fixed: Encrypt Contents to Secure Data Greyed Out Windows 10

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A mapped drive is a shortcut to the specific drive on a different device that enables you to access resources shared on a local network, or files on a FTP server or website.

It looks just like the shortcut on your local hard drive with its own letter , even opening as though it were on the drive, but the files are physically stored on a different computer or device altogether. Mapping is different from mounting a drive as it allows you to open remote files as though they were stored on your own computer, while mounting allows you to open a file as if it were a folder. Note : If your NAS device has a username and password , you may need to enter it to access the drive.

You can also check with your network administrator. From here, you can open it and drag files such as documents, media or others to it. An advanced way of working with a mapped drive in Windows is by using the net use command in Windows, or in PowerShell if you prefer.

To do this, go with few below steps. Open Command Prompt window as an administrator. Press the following command in it and hit Enter key. If the command runs successfully, it will ask you to reboot your system to apply the changes. After rebooting, the encryption option will be available for you in Properties of any folder.

With these simple solutions, you may use Encrypt File System again to encrypt specific files or folders. However, Encrypt File System does not available for Windows 10 Home edition, and it’s not the most secure way to protect really important or sensitive data.

To protect data security, file and folder encryption is only a small part. There is also a good and commonly used way, that is to make a backup of your important data.

It would be great to have a solution that combines backup and encryption – this will provide you with double protection. Select a backup type under the Backup tab. Set File Backup as an example. Set the source by clicking Add File or Add Folder and select the destination path respectively. Click Options at the bottom and toggle on the Enable encryption for backups option in General tab.

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